widgetastic_patternfly4.donutchart module

class widgetastic_patternfly4.donutchart.DonutChart(parent, id=None, locator=None, logger=None)

Bases: widgetastic.widget.base.View

Represents the Donut Chart from Patternfly 4 (https://www.patternfly.org/v4/documentation/react/charts/chartdonut)

BASE_LOCATOR = './/div[@id={}]'

ParametrizedString modified to return instances of smartloc.Locator


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.


This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.

class widgetastic_patternfly4.donutchart.DonutCircle(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)

Bases: widgetastic.widget.base.View

LABELS_LOCATOR = "./*[name()='svg']/*[name()='text']/*[name()='tspan']"
ROOT = ".//div[*[name()='svg'][*[name()='text'] and not(*[name()='rect'])]]"

Returns a list of labels

class widgetastic_patternfly4.donutchart.DonutLegend(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)

Bases: widgetastic.widget.base.View

ROOT = ".//*[name()='g'][2]"


Type:Returns a list of all items, arranged as {label

This class handles instantiating and caching of the widgets on view.

It stores the class and the parameters it should be instantiated with. Once it is accessed from the instance of the class where it was defined on, it passes the instance to the widget class followed by args and then kwargs.

It also acts as a counter, so you can then order the widgets by their “creation” stamp.

class widgetastic_patternfly4.donutchart.DonutLegendItem(parent, logger=None, **kwargs)

Bases: widgetastic.widget.base.ParametrizedView, widgetastic.widget.base.ClickableMixin

ALL_ITEMS = ".//*[name()='text']/*[name()='tspan']"
LEGEND_ITEM_REGEX = re.compile('(.*?): ([\\d]+)')
PARAMETERS = ('label_text',)

ParametrizedString modified to return instances of smartloc.Locator

classmethod all(browser)

Returns a list of all items


Returns the label of a DonutLegendItem as a string


Returns the value of a DonutLegendItem as a string