widgetastic_patternfly4.menu module

class widgetastic_patternfly4.menu.BaseCheckboxMenu

Bases: widgetastic_patternfly4.menu.BaseMenu

Represents a checkbox menu.

ITEM_LOCATOR = './/label[normalize-space(.)={}]/preceding-sibling::input'

Fills a Checkbox with all items. Example dictionary: {“foo”: True, “bar”: False, “baz”: True}

Parameters:items – A dictionary containing what items to select (True) or deselect (False)
item_deselect(items, close=True)

Opens the Checkbox and deselects the desired item.

  • item – Item to be selected
  • close – Close the dropdown when finished
item_select(items, close=True)

Opens the Checkbox and selects the desired item.

  • item – Item to be selected
  • close – Close the dropdown when finished

Returns a list of all CheckboxSelect items as strings.


Returns a dictionary containing the selected status as bools.

class widgetastic_patternfly4.menu.BaseMenu

Bases: object

Represents the Patternfly Menu.

Most menu’s exist without a toggle to open them (e.g. all the examples in the link below). That is why there is the class level constant IS_ALWAYS_OPEN which defaults to ‘True’.

However, it is possible to have a menu that will only appear based on a button or toggle. In these cases you should inherit from menu and set IS_ALWAYS_OPEN to ‘False’. BUTTON_LOCATOR will also need to be modified to point to the toggle button. In the DOM, the menu widget is usually placed as a sibling to the toggle button. You can either override ROOT or simply pass a locator when the widget is instantiated to point to the parent of the toggle button.

class PermissionsMenu(Menu):
    IS_ALWAYS_OPEN = False
    BUTTON_LOCATOR = ".//button[contains(@class, 'pf-c-menu-toggle')]"


BUTTON_LOCATOR = './button'
ITEMS_LOCATOR = ".//li[contains(@class, 'pf-c-menu__list-item')]"
ITEM_LOCATOR = ".//*[contains(@class, 'pf-c-menu__list-item') and normalize-space(.)={}]"
SELECTED_ITEMS_LOCATOR = ".//button[contains(@class, 'pf-m-selected')]"
TEXT_LOCATOR = ".//div[contains(@class, 'pf-c-menu') and child::button[normalize-space(.)={}]]"

Close the menu

It it is always open we do nothing

Parameters:ignore_nonpresent – Will ignore exceptions due to disabled or missing dropdown

Fills a Menu with a value or values.


Returns True if the menu toggle itself is enabled and therefore interactive.


Returns True if the Dropdown is open

Some menus are visible without having to click anything, so if the items are displayed we consider that to be open as well.

item_element(item, close=True)

Returns a WebElement for given item name.


Opens the Menu and selects the desired item.

Parameters:item – Item to be selected
Raises:MenuItemDisabled – if item is disabled

Returns a string of the text of the selected option.


Returns a list of all selected items as strings.

class widgetastic_patternfly4.menu.CheckboxMenu(parent, text=None, locator=None, logger=None)

Bases: widgetastic_patternfly4.menu.BaseCheckboxMenu, widgetastic_patternfly4.dropdown.Dropdown

DEFAULT_LOCATOR = './/div[contains(@class, "pf-c-menu")]'
class widgetastic_patternfly4.menu.Menu(parent, text=None, locator=None, logger=None)

Bases: widgetastic_patternfly4.menu.BaseMenu, widgetastic_patternfly4.dropdown.Dropdown

DEFAULT_LOCATOR = './/div[contains(@class, "pf-c-menu")]'
exception widgetastic_patternfly4.menu.MenuItemDisabled

Bases: widgetastic_patternfly4.dropdown.DropdownItemDisabled

exception widgetastic_patternfly4.menu.MenuItemNotFound

Bases: widgetastic_patternfly4.dropdown.DropdownItemNotFound